Mission and vision

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Our mission

With passion, we serve our growers to connect with the best customers worldwide for a sustainable supply of fruit.

Our vision

The ideal image of the future: Delivering quality fruit, meeting the needs of our growers and customers with our globally based professional team, creating lasting partnerships based on integrity, reliability and passion.

Core value 1: Serve Passionately

We are driven by passion for the fresh fruit industry.

Loving what we do, why we do it and how we do it. Experiencing joy in our work with the people involved. It is our passion that inspires us to keep our standards high and go the extra mile even when we don't have to. Serving passionately one day may mean going the extra mile to deliver a report in time for an early morning meeting. Another day, it may mean making sure a client not only gets what they want, but also what they need by asking a few extra questions to give them the best solution. But it always means tackling every task with a positive attitude. Using humour to put things in perspective, even when it is difficult. Making the difference between a daily chore and a daily joy.

Core value 2: Connect Genuinely

We aim to build real long-term relationships with our team, international departments and partners.

We do this by creating an open and inclusive corporate culture that respects individual needs and cultural backgrounds. We recognise that the thoughts, feelings and talents of others are as important as our own. And find ways in which everyone can belong and get the best out of each person and situation. Having the patience to listen to another person's point of view, even when language is a barrier. In stressful situations, we still communicate with respect because that is what our relationships are built on.

Core value 3: Increase Reliability

We do as we say.

Acting in a transparent and trustworthy manner tells others that they matter and that they can depend on us.  By following through our promises and taking ownership of our responsibilities we earn the respect of colleagues and partners. We say it like it is and don’t pretend that things are better than they are. We count on our individual talents and knowledge, but also on our team and organization. Being honest about our flaws and weaknesses, knowing that we can lean on and learn from each other, so we always deliver a high-quality sustainable product.

Core value 4: Aspiring Growth

We embrace opportunities to grow.

We work to expand our reach and are willing to step out of our comfort zones to achieve it. We invest in ourselves and each other, not only to grow as an organisation, but also as individuals. We are proud of what we achieve, but strive to become even better. We encourage growth and support each other by sharing ideas and proactively exchanging feedback. We learn from our mistakes and focus on developing ourselves further every day.

Produce for the world, with an eye for the world.